Here are our best tips to help you navigate a competitive buyer’s market.

It’s no secret that this current market is tough for buyers. That’s why we want to share some tips to help you win against the competition.

First, let’s have a consultation. We’ll talk about what’s important to you, what you’re looking for, and everything else you need to have in order before shopping. The market has changed recently, but it’s still a seller’s game. There isn’t a ton of inventory, so you need to be on top of your game if you want to succeed. 

“There’s more to a good offer than price. ”

Once we have our consultation, it’s time to hit the market and find the perfect home for you. We’ll do market research to find an appropriate price for your offer that’s competitive but not too high. This is a competitive market, so we need to be aggressive with our offers. Something we do is try to offer prices based on what the home will be worth tomorrow. It’s an aggressive strategy, but we never ask our buyers to pay more than what the home will be worth. 

Crafting the best offer doesn’t just come down to price. We always try to get in touch with our sellers to find out what their pain points are. Do they need extra time to move? Do they need a shorter inspection period? Whatever your seller needs, find out what it is and give it to them. 

One strategy we’ve used to great success recently is offering to cover a potential appraisal gap. Home values are increasing rapidly, so it’s likely your dream house won’t appraise. If you offer to cover the difference with cash, you can gain a huge leg up over your competition. 

If you have questions about today’s topic or need help navigating this market, call or email us. We’ll help you win your bid.